Sunday, June 14, 2015

I need to get it together. I’ve needed to for a long time, in nearly every area of my life. There have been times when I’ve had parts of my life in order – my health, my finances, my spirituality – while other areas suffered. Currently, I’m in chaos. It’s never good to be in chaos, but with two small children looking to me 24 hours a day to be their guide through life, it’s more important than ever that I get it together.

I came to motherhood late in life, after a period of infertility and fifteen years of a good, fun marriage. I was 36 when my son, the Bean, was born and my daughter, the Peanut, was a surprise when I was 42. I’m now 43, a stay-at-home mom who never imagined she would stay at home. A homeschooling mom who used to teach high school and thought homeschooling was only for hyperreligious wackos. A former runner who’s lost her way physically. A Christian who’s disillusioned by so much of what my fellow Christians say and do in the name of Jesus. An aspiring writer who's been rewriting the same novel for eight years. Like everyone, I’m more than the labels that define me. One thing I am definitely not, however, is together. So this blog name is decidedly a misnomer, but it's more of a call to myself and to any readers who may stumble upon this page: Let's get it together, Mama.